
This site is dedicated to the book “Bayesian Cognitive Modeling: A Practical Course”, published by Cambridge University Press.

Here are links for the: Google Books, Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Cambridge University Press sites.

This book forms the basis for a week-long course that we teach in Amsterdam, during the summer. We’d love to see you there. Follow this link for the 2024 course, which will be held from July 8 to July 12, conveniently before the Society for Mathematical Psychology Meeting in nearby Tilburg and the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in nearby Rotterdam.

You can download

If you have suggestions for improvement, or questions about the book’s content, please Email us at bayesmodels@gmail.com. We will occasionally use the blog to discuss issues of particular relevance.

Michael Lee
Eric-Jan Wagenmakers

Image: “Red” by Nathan Sawaya. Courtesy of brickartist.com